

Your fees are based on the amount you earn from your screen performance and theatre work only. Don’t include income you get from jobs outside the performing arts.

The lowest rate is for performers who earn less than $15 000 per year. Young performers (under 17) pay a further reduced amount.

The free student membership is for full-time final year performing arts students only, for up to one year only. There is no free student membership for all three years of study, for those students in a three year course. All students’ free membership ends in the March after your course finishes. If you are a student, you must supply your bank details in order to be activated as an Equity member, even though you will only be debited in March of the year after your course ends (and you will have plenty of email notice of this debit).

Note the reduced rate for Extras reflects limited access to professional development opportunities like masterclasses and the casting hothouse. The Associate membership is for Equity supporters who will receive the annual union magazine and weekly e-bulletins, therefore keeping up to date with industry and union activity, but will have no other membership rights.

If you are unsure about which membership level you should be on please call 0800 334470 or (09) 360 1980 for advice.

2024 New Zealand Equity Membership fees (inc. GST)

Annual Income Category Level Annual fees Weekly fees Fortnightly fees 4-weekly Quarterly fees Half yearly
Student NZSTUD$$ $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Young performer (under 17) One $99.47 $1.91 $3.83 $7.65 $24.87 $49.74
Actors earning under $15 000 per year Three $272.22 $5.24 $10.47 $20.94 $68.06 $136.11
Actors earning between $15 000 and $40 000 per year Four $533.55 $10.26 $20.52 $41.04 $133.39 $266.78
$40 000 – $75 000 per year Five $762.22 $14.66 $29.32 $58.63 $190.56 $381.11
Over $75 000 Six $843.88 $16.23 $32.46 $64.91 $210.97 $421.94
Extras Extra $163.33 $3.14 $6.28 $12.56 $40.83 $81.67
Associate Member Assoc $50.00

Online membership application form

    MaleFemaleGender Diverse



    See above regarding free student membership
